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South Fulton Businesses: Revenue Is Down Dramatically

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A new online survey has been launched to learn how COVID-19 is impacting South Fulton businesses. City leaders hope the data will reveal how the businesses are faring financially and ways to support them.

Some business owners are already reporting significant losses in revenue.

“We’re hearing from many of our businesses that revenue is down drastically,” said Christopher Pike, economic development director. “The feedback provided in the survey will help inform the decision we make related to recovery efforts conducted by the city.”

The survey will be available online until April 18.  It consists of 20 simple questions and should take about four minutes to complete.

As the data comes in, South Fulton is already rolling out initiatives to help business owners. The city has launched a business resources page on its website and an awareness campaign on social media to encourage support of local businesses.

Additionally, the city has partnered with the South Fulton Chamber to launch the South Fulton United Fund. The fund covers meals for essential employees while supporting local restaurants.

Pike says residents can play a big role in ensuring South Fulton businesses rebound from the impact of the pandemic. He’s encouraging residents to donate to the fund and think local when shopping online and offline.

“We want to encourage our residents to think local when making purchases,” he said. “When making online purchases, do some research to see if a local business offers the same product online. Place a to-go order at your favorite restaurant.  Continue to pay subscription and membership fees.  Gift cards are a great way to support a business that had to temporarily such down due to the shelter in place order.”

“We can all work together to ensure the businesses in our community come out of this stronger and better,” he said.

Photo: Economic Development Director Christopher Pike (left)